
Rain Gun

(1) Which pump is ok for the rain gun PY40?

መ: ነዳጅ ፓምፕ, በናፍጣ ፓምፕ, submersible ፓምፕ, ሁሉም ok ረገጥ ሴንትሪፉጋል.

HP: 7.5HP to 15HP

, ማንሳት 40m መጠን 20m³ / በሰዓት, ኃይል 4kw ይፈልቃል: ውሂብ ረገጥ.

(2) Which type of hose for the rain gun?

መ: PVC ጠፍጣፋ ቱቦ ወይም PVC የእሳት ቱቦ አኖራለሁ

(3) Which size of hose for the rain gun?

መ: 2 ኢንች ወይም 2.5 ኢንች PVC ጠፍጣፋ ቱቦ ወይም PVC የእሳት ቱቦ አኖራለሁ


1.5 ኢንች PY30 ዝናብ ሽጉጥ ለ 2 ኢንች PVC ቱቦ

2.5 ኢንች PY50 ዝናብ ሽጉጥ ለ 2.5 ኢንች PVC ቱቦ

(4) Rain gun do not rotate, how to adjust the rain gun?

መ: ከታች በዋንኛነት አራት ምክንያቶች

ግፊት ዝቅተኛ ነው: ለውጥ ፓምፕ (ማንሳት 40m, ተመን 20m³ / በሰዓት, ኃይል 4kw ይፈልቃል).

ፀደይ በጠባብ ነው:

ማዕዘን ትንሽ ነው:

የውሃ ቆሻሻ ነው: ሌላ የውኃ ምንጭ መምረጥ እና ዲስክ ማጣሪያ ይጠቀሙ.

(5) Pressure of the rain gun PY40?

መ: የተጠቆመ ግፊት 3 አሞሌ አሞሌ 5 ነው.

8 አሞሌ ወይም ከፍተኛ ጫና ከተስማማህ ነው, እና ራዲየስ ያለው የመስኖ የእምቢልታ ግፊት መቋቋም የሚችለው ብቻ ከሆነ, ከአሁን በኋላ ነው.

(6) Application of the rain gun?

ኪያር, ሰላጣ, ጎመን, አረንጓዴ በርበሬ, ቢጫ የ Pepper, ካሮት, ወርቃማ ሐብሐብ, የውሃ ሐብሐብ, Plantain, ሙዝ, ቡና, በቆሎ, በቆሎ, ስንዴ, ወዘተ

(7) What’s the HS code of metal rain gun?

A: 8424899990


(1) What’s the main material of metal impact sprinkler AY-5300?

መ: የአልሙኒየም አካል + ናስ ኮር

(2) What’s the spring material of metal impact sprinkler AY-5300?

መ: የማይዝግ ብረት (ሴሴ)

(3) Metal impact sprinkler AY-5300, part circle ( angle adjustable) or full circle?

መ: 360 ዲግሪ ሙሉ ክብ

(4) Is the metal impact sprinkler resistant to chemicals?

መ: አዎ. በአሉሚኒየም አካል ኬሚካሎች እና ድንገተኛ ተጽዕኖ መቋቋም

(5) What’s the main material of plastic impact sprinkler?

መ: POM

(6) What’s the spring material of plastic impact sprinkler?

መ: የማይዝግ ብረት (ሴሴ)

(7) Plastic impact sprinkler AY-5035D, part circle ( angle adjustable) or full circle?

መ: 360 ዲግሪ ሙሉ ክብ

(8) What’s the main material of 1 inch plastic impact sprinkler?

መ: ኢንጅነሪንግ የፕላስቲክ ABS + POM

(9) Plastic impact sprinkler AY-5101, part circle ( angle adjustable) or full circle?

መ: ክፍል ክበብ

(10) Plastic impact sprinkler AY-5104, part circle ( angle adjustable) or full circle?

መ: 360 ዲግሪ ሙሉ ክብ

(11) How to adjust the part circle plastic impact sprinkler?

መ: ቀላሉ መፍትሔ በራሱ ምንጭ ውሃ ፍሰት ለመቆጣጠር ነው. በተጨማሪም ትክክለኛውን ጥንካሬ እና ከካሮቦን ለማግኘት, ወደ diffuser ሚስማር, እንቅስቃሴ አንገትጌ, እና deflector ጋሻ እንደ ራስ የተለያዩ ክፍሎች ማስተካከል ይችላሉ.

Note: Details information, please refer to the article How to Adjust an Impact Sprinkler>

(12) What’s the function of anti-drip device?

መ: መዝጊያ በኋላ, ውሃ ማጣት ከ ማጠጫ ለመከላከል.

(13) What’s the HS code of plastic sprinkler and connectors?

A: 8424909000,  8424820000 or 3926909090


(1) What’s the main material of drip tape with flat emitter?

መ: PE

(2) Is drip tape original ( new )material ?

መ: የመጀመሪያ (አዲስ) ቁሳዊ

(3) Is the drip tape with flat emitter resistant to UV radiation?

መ: አዎ. ከፍተኛ ጥራት የፕላስቲክ አካል የአልትራቫዮሌት ጨረር መቋቋም

(4) Is drip tape ok for subsurface irrigation?

መ: እሺ, ≤ 5 ሴሜ ከመሬት

(5) What is the length of drip tape required for one acre?

መ: 4000 ሜትር / ኤክር. ተጨማሪ ዕቃዎች, መጠንና ዝርዝር, "እባክዎ ይፈትሹ ምን ያንጠባጥባሉ የመስኖ ኪት እናንተ 1 ኤክር የእርሻ ለ ያስፈልገናል "

(6) What’s the main material of adjustable dripper 0-70 L/H?

መ: ገጽ

(7) Which pipe for the adjustable dripper 0-70 L/H?

A: Can be placed directly onto PE pipe 16-32mm or at the end of 4/7 PVC soft hose 6mm.

(8) Which punch for the adjustable dripper 0-70 L/H?

መ: ጭነት አጠቃቀም ጡጫ 3mm ነበርና.

(9) Is the adjustable dripper 0-70 L/H resistant to UV radiation?

መ: አዎ. ከፍተኛ ጥራት የፕላስቲክ አካል የአልትራቫዮሌት ጨረር እና ኬሚካሎች ይቃወማል.

(10) How to adjust the adjustable dripper 0-70 L/H?

መ: - ፈሳሽ አሳድጓቸው ምልክቶች (+) እና ().

(11) What’s the main material of PC dripper?

መ: ገጽ

(12) Which pipe for the PC dripper?

መ: PE ቧንቧ 12-32mm እንዲገቡ ወይም 4/7 PVC ለስላሳ ቱቦ 6mm መጨረሻ ላይ በቀጥታ መቀመጥ እችላለሁ. የፒሲ dripper ያለው ሶኬት የሚፈለገውን ቦታ ወደ droplet ለመምራት ሲሉ, ማገናኛ በ ያንጠባጥባሉ ቀስት እና 3/5 PVC ለስላሳ ቱቦ ጋር የተገናኘ ሊሆን ይችላል.

(13) What’s the main material of micro spray tube?

መ: PE

(14) Is the micro spray tube resistant to UV radiation?

መ: አዎ. ከፍተኛ ጥራት የፕላስቲክ አካል የአልትራቫዮሌት ጨረር መቋቋም

(15) Maximum spray tube laying length for the farm?

A: Spray tube can be laid up to 70 meters (according to different size). Pressure must be ensured to be 0.8-1.5 kg / cm².

(16) How many spray tube meters for 1 acre farm?

መ: 800-1000m

(17) What’s the main material of PE lay flat hose?

መ: PE

(18) Is the PE lay flat hose resistant to UV radiation?

መ: አዎ. ከፍተኛ ጥራት የፕላስቲክ አካል የአልትራቫዮሌት ጨረር መቋቋም

(19) Can PE lay flat hose be used for spray tube or drip irrigation?

መ: አዎ. ይህ ያንጠባጥባሉ ቴፖች, የመስኖ ቱቦዎች ጋር የተገናኙ ዝቅተኛ ግፊት ላይ የሚረጭ ቱቦ የመስኖ እና ያንጠባጥባሉ ለመስኖ የሚሆን ተስማሚ ዋና ቱቦ ነው.

(20) What’s the main material of mini valve?

መ: POM

(21) Application of the drip tape with flat emitter?

መ: በፍራፍሬ, የወይን, ፍራፍሬ, አትክልት, የመስክ ሰብሎች እና አረንጓዴ ቤት ለ የመስኖ. የወይን ፍሬ, እንጆሪ, ሐብሐብ, በቆሎ, ቡና, ሻይ, ቲማቲም, ኪያር, ካሮት, ድንች, ሽንኩርት, ወዘተ

(22) Application of the adjustable dripper 0-70 L/H

መ: ዛፎች, እንዳይቋጠር እና አበቦች የሚመረጥ ያንጠባጥባሉ መስኖ. ወዘተ Plantain, Pineaple, ኮኮዋ, ከርሞ, ለ

(23) Application of the micro spray tube?

መ: በቅርበት ሊከሰቱ ሰብሎች, ሽንኩርት, አትክልት ሰብሎች, groundnut, ቅጠላማ አትክልቶች, ጎመን, plantain, ኮኮዋ, ዘንዶ ፍሬ, ቲማቲም, የመናፈሻ, ወዘተ ለማግኘት

(24) What’s the HS code of drip tape?

A: Drip tape HS code: 3917320000, 3926909090,  3917310000 or  3917330000

(25) What’s the HS code of drip tape connectors?

A: 3926909090 or 3917400000

(26) What’s the working pressure of drip tape?

A: Suggest working pressure 1 bar, no more than 1.5 bar

(27) What’s the BP burst pressure of drip tape?

A: Different thickness, different BP

0.15mm @2bar

0.16mm @2bar

0.18mm @2.5 bar

0.20mm @2.8 bar

(28) How many meters of drip tape can be loaded in one container?


How many meters of drip tape in one container anyou

0.15,0.16mm:  2200.000-2300.000 for 40 HQ;

0.2mm: 650.000m for 20GP

0.2mm: 1650.000 to 1800.000m for 40HQ

20 GP container: 33.2 m³,30.48 t;

40 HQ container: 76.3 m³,32.5 t;

(29) What’s the working pressure of PVC Fire hose?


Working Pressure:8-10 bar

BP Pressure:24-30 bar

(30) How many adjustable dripper and connectors for 1 hecter land?

A:  Crop作物:Plantain 芭蕉, pineapple菠萝, Cocoa可可, Castor蓖麻 etc

种植面积:1Hecter (3m x 3m planting)

Drip kits:

PE Layflat Main/Submain hose – 400m

PE pipe 16mm(20mm)- 3500m

Screen filter – 1pcs

Hold down support – 1000pcs

Layflat Equal Valve – 8pcs

LayFlat Quick Coupling – 8pcs

Offtake Connectors for Layflat – 200pcs

PE pipe End Cap -200pcs

Punch for Layflat hose – 2pcs

Layflat Hose End Cap – 4pcs

PE- Straight connector- 100pcs

Handle Punch for PE pipe – 2pcs

Adjustable Drippers 0-100L/h – 1200pcs


Crop作物: Cashew腰果,Palm fruit棕榈果, Coconut trees椰子树

种植面积:1Hecter (9m x 9m planting)

Drip kits:

PE Layflat Main/Submain hose – 200m

PE pipe 16mm(20mm)- 1200m

Screen filter – 1pcs

Hold down support – 600

Layflat Equal Valve – 4pcs

LayFlat Quick Coupling – 4pcs

Offtake Connectors for Layflat – 100pcs

PE pipe End Cap -100pcs

Punch for Layflat hose - 2pcs

Layflat Hose End Cap – 2pcs

PE- Straight connector- 100pcs

Handle Punch for PE pipe – 2pcs

Adjustable Drippers 0-100L/h – 125pcs

(31) How many years can the LDPE pipe be used?

A: For LDPE pipe 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, different thickness different lifetime.

For 0.15mm thickness, Lifetime is 3 years

(32) LDPE pipe: Weight and package of LDPE pipe 16mm, 20mm, 25mm

A: LDPE pipe 200m/roll
16mm: 71cm*31cm or 62cm*30cm
20mm: 78cm*32cm or 77cm*28cm
25mm: 80cm*32cm

16mm*1.2mm*200m: 11.5 kg/roll
20mm*1.2mm*200m: 14 kg/roll
20mm*1.5mm*200m: 17 kg/roll
25mm*1.2mm*200m: 17 kg/roll
25mm*1.5mm*200m: 21 kg/roll

40 feet container: 80000m to 90000m LDPE pipe 16mm, 20mm, 25mm

(33) What’s the pressure of LDPE pipe OD 16mm, thickness 1.2mm

A: 4BAR  ( PN4)


(1) Can you provide C/O certificate of origin?

መ: አዎ. ሐ / ኦ, የደረሰኝ, የማሸግ ዝርዝር, ኦሪጅናል ቢ / ኤል

(2) Are you sprinkler factory or trading?

መ: ፋብሪካ ናቸው. Baoding ቻይና ውስጥ Anyou ኢንዱስትሪ Co., Ltd Baoding የእኛ ኩባንያ በደህና መጡ.

(3) Can you provide SONCAP, PVOC, COC, SASO?

መ: አዎ.

(4) My order quantity is not much, okay?

መ: አነስተኛ ብዛት ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ok ነው

(5) What is the MOQ?

መ: ምርት በአንድ ብዙውን ጊዜ አንድ ሳጥን. አነስተኛ ትዕዛዞች በተጨማሪም ድርድር ይቻላል ናቸው.

(6) Do you provide OEM & ODM Service?

መ: አዎ.

(7) How do you control your quality?

መ: delievery በፊት 100% ፈተና.

(8) What’s the packaging?

መ: ብዙውን ጊዜ የካርቶን. በተጨማሪም የእርስዎ ፍላጎት መሠረት መለወጥ ይችላሉ.

(9) What’s the payment item do you support?

መ: L / C, ቲ / ቲ. የኩባንያ መለያ, Western Union ወይም የግል መለያ.


(10) What’t the shipping port?

A: Tianjin, Yiwu, Guangzhou

(11) How can I buy the irrigation system products?

A: 2 problem need to be solved, shipping and payment.

1. Import and shipping problem. Best way, import by your company. Second way, find a

shipping agent in China, agent usually in Guangzhou or Yiwu. Some agent also have

office in many country.

2. Payment problem. Best way, pay by your company account. Second way, pay by

Western Union (www.westernunion.com), most bank can help to pay.  Third way, some

shipping agent do it for you.

3. By air or by sea? By air, fast but high shipping costs. By sea,  it’s cheaper but

slower to ship goods by sea than air.

(12) How long the shipping is going to take to destination port?

A: According to different country (By sea).

Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Southeast Asia – 14 days.

Kenya, Tanzania, East Africa – 37 days

Nigeria – 41 days

Morocco, Algeria, North Africa – 37 days

Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka – 25 days

Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador – 41 days

Chile – 45 days

Panama – 33 days

Paraguay, Bolivia – 60 days

(13) Can you use pallets with the shipment?

A: Sure, can use pallents.

(14) What is the size of a pallet?

A: 100cm*100cm, 110cm*110cm, 100cm*120cm

(15) PDF catalog of irrigation products

A: Irrigation Products Catalog from AnYou – 2020

Any other question about irrigation system?

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