Ob tug ceg Ncaj xub Dripper

Luv hauj lwm:

The two branch straight arrow dripper with 50cm, 60cm PVC soft pipe, can be used as an independent dripper or connected with PC button dripper.

• Water is distributed by a pressure-compensating dripper through 1/8″ tubing ( 3/5 pvc soft pipe) and guided to the soil by the drip arrow for targeted watering. Two type: straight drip arrow and bend drip arrow.

• Perfect for use in greenhouse and nursery applications or in hydroponic systems.

khoom Nthuav dav

Daim ntawv thov & Pob

khoom cim npe

Ob tug ceg Ncaj xub Dripper

Khoom Parameter (Specification) ntawm ob ceg Ncaj xub Dripper

 Thaum ua hauj lwm nrog ntau outlets:

(1) Siv labyrinth tswg los txhim kho uniformity

(2) Yam tsawg kawg nkaus pom zoo ua hauj lwm siab: 1 bar

(3) Maximum pom zoo txaus rau ib qhov hluav taws xob: 2.0 l / h

(4) Yam tsawg kawg nkaus pom zoo txaus rau ib qhov hluav taws xob:

• Ca cov nto thiab niaj hnub raj ntev - 0.5 l / h

• Nyob rau ib nqes hav los sis tsis ncaj nce - 1.0 l / h

(5) Button Dripper tsis tau sau. Khaws nrog raj tsa saum toj no huam tag txhuav tom qab system shutdown yuav txo clogging nyob rau hauv lub manifold micro-tubing los ntawm algae los yog khib nyiab.

(6) Ob tug hom: ncaj nrog xub thiab khoov nrog xub

(7) Nrog anti clogging lim rau zoo heev pom

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Ob ceg Ncaj xub Dripper

    1. Daim ntawv thov ntawm ob ceg Ncaj xub Dripper

    Irrigation rau siv nyob rau hauv lub tsev cog khoom thiab me nyuam me daim ntaub ntawv los yog nyob rau hauv hydroponic systems.


    2. Pob


    hauj lwm


    Qty / ctn


    GW / ctn



    Ncaj nrog xub

    Ncaj nrog xub

    Xiav los yog dub




    Khoov nrog xub

    Khoov nrog xub

    Xiav los yog dub




    PC dripper

    PC dripper


    2L / H - daj

    4L / H - dub

    8L / H - xiav




    PVC mos yeeb nkab

    PVC mos yeeb nkab


    400m / yob


    5 kg / yob

  • Sau koj cov lus no thiab xa nws mus rau peb
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