

ほとんどの人にとって、土壌の塩類化は、使い慣れたなじみのないの両方です。 それに精通し、中国沿岸部と内陸部などの多くの地域はどこでも見ることができ、生理食塩水をアルカリ土地の大部分を持っています。 生理食塩水アルカリランドの形成は地域の気候、土壌、地形、地形、地質及びその他の要因に関連しています。 アルカリ化。 不慣れは不合理な人間の措置によって引き起こされる農業の土壌塩水が十分に理解されていないことです。
Unreasonable human measures are mainly due to the unreasonable irrigation and drainage system, excessive irrigation, poor drainage, causing the groundwater level to rise, resulting in soil salinization, which is called soil secondary salinization. Saline-alkali land is increasing every year, because of the “contribution” of human beings. There are more and more secondary salinization sites, and about 10 million hectares of land are discarded each year due to secondary salinization of the soil.
According to research, the two rivers of one of the world’s four major civilizations, the main cause of extinction is the secondary salinization of soil.

Flood irrigation

The key to this is “groundwater rise.” If the amount of irrigation is too large, the water will penetrate down a lot, the drainage will be poor, the groundwater level of the cultivated land will rise, the groundwater will get closer and closer to the ground, and the salt carried in the water will easily reach the surface.
In this process, it is necessary to introduce a strong assist in the accumulation of salt on the surface – strong evaporation.
When groundwater brings soil salinity to the surface, strong evaporation will quickly turn the water into water vapor, unable to continue to carry salt, and the salt will stay on the soil surface. After a period of ascending-accumulating cycles, the surface of the soil accumulates salt, and for a long time, the soil will be salinized.
The secondary salinization of soil mainly occurs in the arid and semi-arid areas with strong evaporation, and the evaporation is greater than the rainfall. It is distinguished from the native salinization of the soil, mainly as a result of human economic activity.
Secondary salinization of soil


土壌塩類化処理は常に土壌の科学者が直面する大きな問題となっています。 それは主塩害や二塩害であるかどうか、対策が似ています。 ガバナンスの基本的な方法は、地下水の上昇-塩アップ蒸発累積プロセスを遮断することです。
Improve agricultural drainage system
、灌漑、排水、沈泥、抗浸透及びその他のキー管理から主に。 新鮮な水は、(雨や洪水灌漑)土壌を洗浄するために使用され、排水システムは、時間内の土壌のうち、過剰土壌水分を放出します。 新鮮な水が土を洗い流し、より塩分を取ることができます。 第二に、地下水位は、土壌蒸発を遅くし、上方塩の動きを低減、安全な深さに制御することができます。
直接、高品質の土壌への生理食塩水アルカリ表面の汚れを変更します。 耐塩性作物を植えることも一般的な治療法です。
For secondary salinization, the most important thing is to improve the irrigation and drainage facilities to prevent excessive irrigation during irrigation; after irrigation, the excess water can be discharged in time. The agricultural drainage system is currently the most widely used and effective solution. It fundamentally cuts off the cyclical process of groundwater rise-salt up-evaporation and salt accumulation. The rest of the methods are improvements under existing conditions.
