
  • How to install button drippers in a drip irrigation system

    How to install button drippers in a drip irrigation system

    Two ways in which button drippers can be put into a drip irrigation system. • The first way: install the button drippers directly into a PE tube. • To do this, we need a hole punch to creat a hole in our PE tube.  • Then we just need to push the barbed end of the dripper into the hole that was c...
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  • How To Water Watermelon Plants And When To Water Watermelons

    How To Water Watermelon Plants And When To Water Watermelons

    Watermelons are a summer favorite but sometimes gardeners find that these juicy melons can be a little tricky to grow. In particular, knowing how to water watermelon plants and when to water watermelons can leave a home gardener feeling a little perplexed. The advice is so varied and myths on wat...
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  • The harm of flood irrigation to fruit trees

    The harm of flood irrigation to fruit trees

    1. The surface roots of fruit trees are easy to die Most fruit trees have a large number of absorbing roots distributed on the top soil around 30 cm. The absorbing roots usually refer to small roots a few millimeters above the capillary roots. This root is the main nutrient absorption root of fru...
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  • Drip irrigation design for fruit trees (apples, peaches, pears, tangerines, dates)

    Drip irrigation design for fruit trees (apples, peaches, pears, tangerines, dates)

    Drip irrigation is not only suitable for vegetables, but also for fruit trees. However, because fruit trees are grown in relation to vegetables, they have different characteristics: 1. The plant spacing of fruit trees is large; 2, Fruit trees are large individuals, need more water, nutrient cons...
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  • Drip tape irrigation system for chili or tomato greenhouse 120m*12m

    Drip tape irrigation system for chili or tomato greenhouse 120m*12m

    Greenhouse 120m*12m There are two kinds of situations in the general shed planting. One is to plant along the length of the shed, and the other is to plant along the width of the shed. The drip irrigation design of the two planting methods is different. Part.1 plant along the length of the shed ...
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  • Drip irrigation kit for tomato greenhouse 80m*8m

    Drip irrigation kit for tomato greenhouse 80m*8m

    Advantage 1. Increase production and improve fruit quality; 2, Save fertilizer, achieve fertilizer on demand, reduce waste, reduce soil and groundwater pollution; 3. Save water and reduce surface evaporation and deep leakage; 4, save labor, watering and fertilizing is simple. 5. It can reduce the...
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  • Strawberry irrigation, spray tube or drip tape, which is better?

    Strawberry irrigation, spray tube or drip tape, which is better?

    It is recommended that you use drip tape irrigation. Drip tape irrigation is to directly drip the roots. It will not be sprayed like a spray tube. When sprinkling, it will spray on the strawberries, resulting in a decrease in harvest. Generally, strawberry cultivation is carried out by drip irri...
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  • 3 problem of drip tape you may have

    3 problem of drip tape you may have

    Tape Movement: All the expanding and contracting causes tape movement and you may find the tape has move too far from the plants to provide adequate coverage. Also, since tape is thin walled and very lightweight, the wind can blow it away from the plants when the system is not operating. Sun Dam...
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  • Anyou micro spray tube advantage

    Anyou micro spray tube advantage

    The irrigation micro spray tube is a porous water spray tube produced by laser or mechanical drilling. The spray width of the micro-spray tube changes with the working pressure, and the relationship between the pressure and the spray width is shown in Photo. The micro spray tube of each group of...
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  • ڪيئن drip ٽيپ کي فڪس ڪرڻ لاء؟

    ڪيئن drip ٽيپ کي فڪس ڪرڻ لاء؟

    Drip ٽيپ سبب هڪ قسم جي پروفائيل تي، فقط سبب هڪ حل ڳولڻ سٽ کي. عام طور تي اتي جي هيٺيان سبب آهن: 1. drip آبپاشي پاڻي ذريعو آهي، جنهن کي آساني سان ئي drip ٽيپ جي blockage واٽ ۾ بيڪار ۽پليديء جي وڏي اڏاريل ڪري سگهو ٿا. 2. بيڪٽيريا يا Wood سڏيو دبي ۾ ويهندا ...
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  • جي drip ٽيپ lifespan ڇا آهي؟

    جي drip ٽيپ lifespan ڇا آهي؟

    هن drip ٽيپ وڏي پيماني تي استعمال ڪئي وئي آهي، ۽ فصل تي هن ڊيم جو اثر تمام موثر آهي. جي drip ٽيپ جي lifespan ۽ استعمال وقت هڪ مسئلو آهي ته ڪيترن ئي استعمال ڪندڙن جي باري ۾ پريشان آهن بڻجي ويا آهن. ڪيئن ايتري ته drip ٽيپ استعمال ڪري سگهجي ٿو؟ Baoding Anyou انڊسٽري اوھان لاء بيان. عام طور، irrigatio جي استعمال وقت ...
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  • جڏهن ته مينهن بندوق پاڻي ڏيڻ ريڊيس Radius 30m ٿي سگهي ٿو؟

    جڏهن ته مينهن بندوق پاڻي ڏيڻ ريڊيس Radius 30m ٿي سگهي ٿو؟

    پاڻي ڏيڻ جي آبپاشي جي ميدان ۾، ڊگهي-حد مينهن بندوق پيئڻ جي مفاصلي تي عام طور تي 30 کان وڌيڪ ميٽر جي پيئڻ ريڊيس Radius وهم، ۽ جيڪڏھن دٻاء اعلي آهي، ريڊيس Radius وڌيڪ 60 ميٽر تائين پهچي ٿو. زرعي آبپاشي ۽ صنعتي مٽي ختم ڪرڻ، سنڌ جي موجوده تمام گهڻي حد تائين مينهن ز جي ميدان ۾ ...
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