Sidee si loo hubiyo tayada cajalad faleebo?

Tape faleebo la Flat emitter Inside

1. With manufacture time on cajalad faleebo, we know the exactly when and who produce the tape. When we the drip tape have quality, we can know which staff produce it. In this way, we can ensure traceability of drip tape quality problems.

Heerka 2. faleebo imtixaanka cajalad ilaa 50% at 2 bar, hubinta tayada wanaagsan.

3. Waxaan soo saari faleebo emitter cajalad ourself by, tayada cajalad la damaanad iyo in la yareeyo kharashka soo saarka.

4. cajalad faleebo iyo emitter laga sameeyey qalab dhalshada, xoog sare iyo cimri dherer.

wax cajalad faleebo

waqti Post: 03-08-2019
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