Micro Spray Tube 28mm

Goirid Tuairisgeul:

Micro spray tube with laser punched holes is an affordable irrigation equipment for spray irrigation. It is easy to install and maintain. Economical compared to sprinklers.

• Diameter:20mm, 21mm, 25mm, 27mm, 28mm, 32mm, 34mm, 40mm, 42mm, 49mm, 50mm, 60mm, 63mm.

• Micro spray tube is suitable for closely spaced crops, onion, vegetable crops, groundnut, leafy vegetables, cabbage, plantain, cocoa, palm tree nursery, dragon fruit, tomato, lawn, etc.

bathar Detail



bathar Tags

1. Product Specificationof the spray tube

Micro chathadh tube

trast-thomhas 25mm 28mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 63mm
width N40mm N45mm N50mm N63mm N80mm N100
Spray radius 1.5-2.0m 1.5-2.0m 1.5-2.5m 2.0-3.5m 3.5-4.5m 5.0-6.0m
Spray leud 3-4m 3-4m 3-5m 4-7m 7-9m 10-12m
10m Flow rate 0.8 m³/h 1.1 m³/h 1.3 m³/h 1.6 m³/h 2.2 m³/h 2.8 m³/h
tiughad 0.2mm (200 micron) to 0.7mm (700 micron)
Hole beàrnan 10cm, 20 ceudameatair, 30cm, 40cm
Hole meud 3, 5, 7, 9
Hole size 0.6mm, 0.7mm, 0.8mm, 1.0mm
Ag obair Brùthadh 0.8-1.5 kg / cm² (0.8-1.5 bar)
Spray àirde 1.5m - 2m
Laying length ≤70m
Roll dh'fhaid 100m, 150m, 200m
Meud gach acair 800-1000m / acaire


2. Bathar Feart de na meanbh-siaban tube

(1) Feumaidh ìosal uairean agus uisge a shàbhaladh.

(2) Tha e chathadh breagha Drops uisge cothromaiche, a tha a 'cuideachadh gus piseach a thoirt air an ìre de ginideachadh sìl agus ìre soirbheachaidh nan seedling.

(3) Às dèidh thodhar, siaban stealladair uisgeachadh a 'cuideachadh gus mean air mhean fliuch mullach aodach thodhar, agus gu h-èifeachdach leigeil leis a' mathachadh a 'drùidheadh ​​a-steach dhan talamh agus a' ruighinn freumhan lusan, gun a bhith a 'nighe an todhar a-mach.

(4) Tha ea 'cuideachadh a' cumail suas looseness ùir.

(5) 'S e an uidheam as freagarraiche airson uisgeachadh de an talamh gainmhich agus air unleveled cruthan-tìre.

(6) Easy to install, save labor costs, economical compared to sprinklers.

(7)-dhìonach airson UV rèididheachd.

(8) Laser drilling technology, stable quality. Laser punch make uniform holes, spray fine drops of water evenly.

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  • Iarrtas de na meanbh-siaban tube

    For closely spaced crops, onion, vegetable crops, groundnut, leafy vegetables, cabbage, plantain, cocoa, palm tree nursery, dragon fruit, tomato, lawn, etc.

    How to install the spray tube?

    'chiad, an stàladh dòigh:
    1. Prepare the pipe fittings according to the line spacing, and measure the mainline.
    2. Install the mainline with one end connected to the pipe (the pipe is connected to the water source and the water pump), the other end is connected to the fitting, and the spray tube is connected behind the fitting.
    3. If there is mud or soil in the hole, untie the end of the spray tube, flush with water or simply wipe it.
    4. The spray tube can also cover the film, which has a good effect on maintaining the temperature and water evaporation of the planting crop.
    5. End cap: One method is to make a knot at the tail; another method is to cut a small piece of spray tube with a width of about 1-2 cm. The end of the spray tube is rolled three times, and then put the end of spray tube into the small piece of tube.

    Video mar a dhèanamh deireadh ceap airson chathadh tube

    (1) Dè a 'phrìomh stuth meanbh chathadh tube?

    A: PE

    (2) A bheil na meanbh-siaban tube resistant gu UV rèididheachd?

    A: Tha. Àrd càileachd plastaig buidheann withstands UV rèididheachd

    (3) as àirde tron ​​cur dh'fhaid airson an tuathanais?

    A: Spray tube can be laid up to 70 meters ( according to different size). Pressure must be ensured to be 0.8-1.5 kg / cm².

    (4) Cia mheud meatair 1 acaire airson tuathanas?

    A: 800-1000m

    (5) An urrainn dhut a thoirt seachad C / O teisteanas tùs?

    A: Tha. C / O, Litir, 'pacadh an liosta, Àireamh B / L

    (6) A bheil thu sprinkler factaraidh no malairt?

    A: Tha sinn factaraidh. Fàilte gu ar companaidh Baoding Anyou Gnìomhachas Co., Ltd Baoding ann an Sìona.

  • Sgrìobh do teachdaireachd seo agus a chur thugainn
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