Mikro Spray Tube 28mm

Deskrizzjoni fil-qosor:

Micro spray tube with laser punched holes is an affordable irrigation equipment for spray irrigation. It is easy to install and maintain. Economical compared to sprinklers.

• Diameter:20mm, 21mm, 25mm, 27mm, 28mm, 32mm, 34mm, 40mm, 42mm, 49mm, 50mm, 60mm, 63mm.

• Micro spray tube is suitable for closely spaced crops, onion, vegetable crops, groundnut, leafy vegetables, cabbage, plantain, cocoa, palm tree nursery, dragon fruit, tomato, lawn, etc.

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1. Product Specificationof the spray tube

Mikro tubu sprej

dijametru 25mm 28mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 63mm
wisa N40mm N45mm N50mm N63mm N80mm N100
raġġ sprej 1.5-2.0m 1.5-2.0m 1.5-2.5m 2.0-3.5m 3.5-4.5m 5.0-6.0m
wisa sprej 3-4m 3-4m 3-5m 4-7m 7-9m 10-12m
10m Flow rate 0.8 m³/h 1.1 m³/h 1.3 m³/h 1.6 m³/h 2.2 m³/h 2.8 m³/h
ħxuna 0.2mm (200 micron) to 0.7mm (700 micron)
spazjar Hole 10cm, 20cm, 30cm, 40cm
kwantità Hole 3, 5, 7, 9
Hole size 0.6mm, 0.7mm, 0.8mm, 1.0mm
pressjoni Ħidma 0.8-1.5 kg / cm² (0.8-1.5 bar)
għoli sprej 1.5m - 2m
Laying length ≤70m
tul roll 100m, 150m, 200m
Kwantità għal kull tomna 800-1000m / Acre


2. Karatteristika tal-Prodott tat-tubu sprej mikro

(1) Jirrikjedi pressjoni baxxa u jiffrankaw l-ilma.

(2) Huwa sprej qtar multa ta 'ilma indaqs, li jgħin biex itejbu r-rata ġerminazzjoni taż-żerriegħa u l-rata ta' sopravivenza ta 'xitel.

(3) Wara fertilizzant, irrigazzjoni pajp sprej jgħin biex gradwalment wet-fertilizzant quċċata dressed, u effettivament jippermettu lill-fertilizzant li jippenetraw fl-art u jilħqu għeruq pjanti, mingħajr ma taħsel il-fertilizzant barra.

(4) Huwa jgħin biex tinżamm l-laxkezza fil-ħamrija.

(5) Hija l-tagħmir l-aktar adattat għall-irrigazzjoni ta 'ħamrija ramlija u fuq pajsaġġi unleveled.

(6) Easy to install, save labor costs, economical compared to sprinklers.

(7) Reżistenti għal radjazzjoni UV.

(8) Laser drilling technology, stable quality. Laser punch make uniform holes, spray fine drops of water evenly.

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  • Applikazzjoni tat-tubu sprej mikro

    For closely spaced crops, onion, vegetable crops, groundnut, leafy vegetables, cabbage, plantain, cocoa, palm tree nursery, dragon fruit, tomato, lawn, etc.

    How to install the spray tube?

    ewwel, il-metodu installazzjoni:
    1. Prepare the pipe fittings according to the line spacing, and measure the mainline.
    2. Install the mainline with one end connected to the pipe (the pipe is connected to the water source and the water pump), the other end is connected to the fitting, and the spray tube is connected behind the fitting.
    3. If there is mud or soil in the hole, untie the end of the spray tube, flush with water or simply wipe it.
    4. The spray tube can also cover the film, which has a good effect on maintaining the temperature and water evaporation of the planting crop.
    5. End cap: One method is to make a knot at the tail; another method is to cut a small piece of spray tube with a width of about 1-2 cm. The end of the spray tube is rolled three times, and then put the end of spray tube into the small piece of tube.

    Video ta 'kif jagħmlu limitu tmiem għal tubu sprej

    (1) X'inhu l-materjal prinċipali ta 'tubu sprej mikro?

    A: PE

    (2) L-mikro-tubu isprej reżistenti għar-radjazzjoni UV?

    A: Iva. korp ta 'kwalità għolja tal-plastik tiflaħ radjazzjoni UV

    (3) Massimu jistabbilixxi tul għar-razzett?

    A: Spray tube can be laid up to 70 meters ( according to different size). Pressure must be ensured to be 0.8-1.5 kg / cm².

    (4) Kemm metru għal razzett 1 Acre?

    A: 800-1000m

    (5) Tista 'tipprovdi C ċertifikat / O ta' oriġini?

    A: Iva. C / O, Fattura, ippakkjar lista, Original B / L

    (6) Inti fabbrika bexxiexa jew kummerċjali?

    A: Aħna fabbrika. Merħba lill-kumpanija tagħna Baoding Anyou Industry Co, Ltd Baoding Ċina.

  • Ikteb messaġġ tiegħek hawn u jibagħtu lill magħna
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