
  • Testing and Certification

    Testing and Certification

    In today’s global market, quality assurance and certification are critical factors for the success of a company’s products. It is essential to ensure that products meet the necessary standards and are safe for consumers to use. With this in mind, our company has taken great strides t...
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  • Delivery of one 40HQ container irrigation material

    Delivery of one 40HQ container irrigation material

    We have recently sent a container full of irrigation products to our valued customers. Our commitment to quality and innovation is reflected in every product we offer, and we are thrilled to be able to help our customers grow and succeed with our state-of-the-art irrigation solutions. We are con...
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  • AnYou Industry Honor and Certifications

    AnYou Industry Honor and Certifications

    We are excited to share that our company has been awarded the ISO quality certification and several other prestigious honors. We take great pride in these achievements, as they reflect our commitment to excellence in all aspects of our operations. As we continue to grow, we remain focused on our...
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  • Precautions for strawberry irrigation

    Precautions for strawberry irrigation

    Strawberries have high requirements for water. Timely multiple watering after planting can shorten the slow seedling period. After each top dressing, watering in time can supplement the water demand of strawberries and exert the fertilizer effect in time. Adequate soil moisture is important from ...
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    Dear Valued Customers and Partners, First of all, we would like to thank you for your supports so we have success year 2022. We are happy to inform our Chinese New Year holiday will start from 14st Jan 2023 to 28th Jan 2023. Our operation shall resume business as usual on Sunday 29th Jan 2023.  ...
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  • 小雪 xiaoxue

    小雪 xiaoxue

      “小雪” xiaoxue 是二十四节气中第20个节气,也是冬季第2个节气;此时节,气温越来越低,但尚未到漫天飞雪的严冬;学会小雪节气的养藏之法:注意均衡饮食,温补御寒;适当运动,保证睡眠。一起准备迎接冬天的初雪吧!
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  • 立冬 Beginning of winter

    立冬 Beginning of winter

    立冬 beginning of winter,是二十四节气之第十九个节气,也是冬季的起始。它是中国民间非常重视的季节节点之一,春耕夏耘、秋收冬藏,冬季是享受丰收、休养生息的季节。立冬在古代社会也是“四时八节”之一,是个非常重要的节日,在中国部分地区有祭祖、饮宴等习俗。 季节划分常用的方法主要有“节气法”与“气温法”。中国...
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  • China and Ecuador Officially Launches Free Trade Agreement Negotiations

    China and Ecuador Officially Launches Free Trade Agreement Negotiations

    Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce of China, and Julio José Prado, Minister for Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries of Ecuador, recently signed the Memorandum of Understanding of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry for Production, Foreign Tra...
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  • Bangladesh, the letter of credit policy has the latest adjustment!

    Bangladesh, the letter of credit policy has the latest adjustment!

    Bangladesh, the letter of credit policy has the latest adjustment! According to Bangladesh’s “Daily Sun” report on February 8, the Bangladesh Congress approved in principle the new “Import Policy Regulations (2021-24)”. The regulation stipulates that Bangladeshi reta...
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  • The path and strategy of promoting the digital transformation of agriculture

    The path and strategy of promoting the digital transformation of agriculture

    With the acceleration of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, digital transformation has become an important trend in global agricultural development. From a practical point of view, the proportion of the digital economy in the added value of agriculture has stea...
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  • AnYou Industry wishes you a Merry Christmas and a happy 2022

    AnYou Industry wishes you a Merry Christmas and a happy 2022

      AnYou Industry wishes you a Merry Christmas and a happy 2022! les desea una feliz navidad y un venturoso 2022! May this season be full of light and laughter for you and your family.
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  • New Technology Helps the Rapid Development of Water-Saving Irrigation

    New Technology Helps the Rapid Development of Water-Saving Irrigation

      The acceleration of land circulation has brought new opportunities for the development of water-saving irrigation. The increase in labor prices and the shortage of water for agricultural irrigation have given wider attention to the advantages of water-saving irrigation, labor-saving and water-s...
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