0-70 L / H adjustable Dripper AY-2001

Pondok Description:

Adjustable dripper 0-70 L/H @1bar. Radius 5cm to 40cm. Turn the red knob to increase or decrease the flow rate.

• For installation use punch 3mm. Can be placed directly onto PE pipe (Polypipe) 16mm to 32mm or at the end of 4/7 PVC soft hose 6mm.

• Ideal drip irrigation for dragon fruit, grape, banana, peach, trees, potted plants and flowers.

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Tags produk

1. Produk parameter (spesifikasi) tina dripper adjustable 0-70 L / H

material PP
tekenan 0.5-3 bar
laju aliran 0-70 L / H @ 1bar
pipah PE pipe 16-32mm or PVC soft hose 6mm


2. Feature Produk tina dripper adjustable 0-70 L / H

(1) Flow rate adjustable. Signs (+) and (-) for flow rate regulating. You can adjust the flow rate by turning.

(2) 0-14 L / H irigasi netes tur 14-70 L / irigasi payung H.

(3) Dismantable, cap removable pikeun beberesih gampang.

(4) filtration Copélna 80mesh (200micron).

(5) badan palastik kualitas High withstands radiasi UV, kimia

kinerja (6) Lila-abadi jeung perawatan nyimpen kuli-

(7) Beureum, bulao atanapi black, warna leuwih pikeun klien pikeun milih

red button dripper

: After the drip irrigation system is installed, before close off the end, necessary to flush system out to prevent any debris inside of the tube.

  • Saméméhna:
  • Hareup:

  • 1.Application of the adjustable dripper 0-70 L/H

    Ideal drip irrigation for dragon fruit, grape, banana, peach, trees, potted plants and flowers.


    poto gambaran ukuran QTY / CTN Vol./CTN GW / CTN
    PC KG
     adjustable dripper 0-70 dripper adjustable
    0-70 L / H 10000 0,065 19
     adjustable dripper 0-100 dripper adjustable
    0-100 L / H 5000 0,063 19

    (1) Naon nu bahan utama adjustable dripper 0-70 L / H?

    A: PP

    (2) pipe Mana kanggo adjustable dripper 0-70 L / H?

    A: Can be placed directly onto PE pipe 16-32mm or at the end of 4/7 PVC soft hose 6mm.

    (3) Mana punch keur adjustable dripper 0-70 L / H?

    A: Pikeun pamakéan instalasi 3mm punch. 

    (4) Nyaeta adjustable dripper 0-70 L / H tahan ka radiasi UV?

    A: Sumuhun. kualitas luhur awak palastik withstands radiasi UV jeung bahan kimia.

    (5) Kumaha pikeun nyaluyukeun adjustable dripper 0-70 L / H?

    A: Tanda (+) jeung (-) pikeun ngurangan régulasi.

    (6) Dupi anjeun nyadiakeun C / O sertipikat asalna?

    A: Sumuhun. C / O, invoice, paking daftar, Original B / L

    (7) Dupi anjeun sprinkler pabrik atawa dagang?

    A: Urang aya pabrik. Wilujeng sumping di parusahaan urang Baoding Anyou Industri Co., Ltd di Baoding Cina.

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