Baoding Anyou Industry Co.,Ltd. is the professional irrigation system manufacture and supplier in China. We are member of the Chinese Association of Irrigation Enterprises. As an ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015, ISO45001:2018 certified company and with a extensive sales network in China and worldwide, supplying to over 30 countries in the irrigation industry.
produk urang kaasup Hujan Gun, Sprinkler, netes pita, Dripper, Micro semprot selang na fittings nu nganteurkeun ngaronjat produktivitas per unit sumberdaya. Anyou geus kahontal pikeun ngawujudkeun kaperluan industri irigasi ku taktak-to-taktak gawe bareng jeung klien.
AnYou® expects to increase domestic market share by 40%. And we are looking forward to cooperating with more and more foreign customers.
Profésional Tim Penjualan:
Ngalamar gagasan profésional sarta nasehat ka klien, nyadiakeun data teknis ngeunaan sistem irigasi, sistem irigasi jelas aplikasi vidéo jeung video instalasi. Pikeun manggihan nu sprinkler merenah atawa produk irigasi netes keur potong Anjeun atawa Anjeun bisnis.
Technical Team Surport:
Every irrigation system technical requirement, no matter it is big or small, our technical team will analyze the requirement and make a detailed feedback to clients.
Quality Control Team:
AnYou® products will be checked by our quality control team with quality control manuel, to make sure all the irrigation products would not have problem.
After Sales Team:
This team will handle after sales service for you, they will quickly provide detailed solution with text, picture or video for the question or problem you have been facing.